Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Numbers" by Rachel Ward (No Spoilers)

"Numbers" is the story of a young girl, Jem, who sees, to put it quite bluntly, when people are going to die.  According to her, everyone has a "number" and it's never wrong.  Quite honestly, that's about it...

I finished "Numbers" on Monday afternoon and, after putting it down, all I could think was "ehhh...".  I started this book feeling incredibly intriqued at the concept and I was anxious to get into the story.  I read and read and read... Still waiting to get into the story.  I finally realized that I was about three quarters of the way through the book and I still hadn't found the plot.  "Oh wait... This IS the plot.  Oh, I see... Hmm... Okay.  Well, I might as well finish." 

I really couldn't decide how I felt this book.  It was a toss-up between "Yeah, it was okay." and "Man, what a disappointment."  It was one of those books that, while reading it, you're thinking "It's not bad.", but when you finish, you're left with "Huh... That was actually kind of boring."

1) The idea of a girl who can see death dates was a great one that could've led to a fascinating and intelligent book or series of books.

2) The style of writing is very British and I loved that.  Certain conversations and details reminded me so much of England and it gave me that wonderful bittersweet feeling that you get when you look back on good memories.

3) The book leaves you with a pretty decent message.

4) The very last sentence of the book definitely left me with this... "Hah! Sweet!"

1) It was a great idea... Spoiled.  The author could have gone so many places with this, but, unfortunately, she didn't.

2) Jem's comrade, whom she meets at the beginning of the book, goes by the nickname "Spider".  That... drove... me... crazy!!  C'mon... You couldn't have come up with something a little less cheesy?  I inwardly cringed everytime I read the name.  Sorry... I guess it's just one of those little things that most people wouldn't think twice about, but bugged me.

3) No plot... Well, there's sort of a plot, but, in a really good book, it would've been shortened and where the story was just getting started.

4) The message mentioned in the pros list probably could've been summed up in a couple of pages.

I'll stop there... This is, obviously, my own personal opinion and I am well aware that some people really liked the story so if you've been wanting to read it, then, by all means, please go read it.  It may be your just your cup of tea (note my British reference, please, and thank you).  (;

For my next book, I have decided to read an old classic and favorite of mine, "Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Old Clock".  This is the first in the beloved Nancy Drew mystery series.  Stay tuned for my review of my own personal blast to the past.

Now go read something else!  Cheers!


  1. OMG! Totally agree!!!! I feel bad writing my review because I REALLY liked the characters but i just couldn't stand the plot!!! Ah!

  2. I just found this book. I haven't read it yet, but it is a trilogy. Did you read the other books? I know the first in a trilogy should stand alone, but do you think it is possible that the plot deepens as you delve into the second and third? Just curious.


My purpose for this blog is to express my opinions and thoughts of the books I read. I want to inform the world (or, more specifically and realistically, my friends who may actually be interested) on which books inspire me, which make me angry or sad, and which I just plain love for the simplicity of them.

Too often I read books and, because I do not discuss them or share them with others, the meanings behind them just drift into the nothingness that is the back of my mind, very likely never to be recalled again. Too often do I say, "Yes, I've read that! I loved it!" and then realize I don't remember a thing about the book in question. I don't like that... I don't like that at all, Jerry.

So... Here I am. I've decided to blog about it. Why? Because it seems like that's the thing to do when you want to say something but don't know who to say it to. This blog will be me... Giving my own personal (and ultra valuable) opinion. Some of the posts may have information about the books that you do not want to know. The posts in which I feel may be giving something away, will have "Spoiler Alert!" in the title. In these, I may, quite possibly, be going into detail on the story, so if you haven't read the book and don't want to know about it, then PLEASE don't read that particular post. Just sayin'... I don't want any of you book club ladies getting angry with me because I spoiled the end of 'Pride and Prejudice' for you. (;

There you go... That's what this is all about. And, here I go... Off to cuddle up in my jammie jams with a warm cup of tea and read something. I'll be back when I'm back. Enjoy!